MoveMate是一家北美的初创公司,通过轻资产的专有技术解决方案来匹配搬家和送货行业的供需。 随着技术不断地拉近我们之间的距离,在加拿大仍然没有一个现代化的解决方案可以将我们最珍贵的物品以一种简单、值得信赖和无缝的方式交付使用。我们相信有一个更好的方法......这就是为什么MoveMate正在建立最先进的搬家和交付生态系统来满足此需求。
当MoveMate的创始人Lucas Francioli还是McGill大学的一名学生时,他经常听到搬家出错的故事。最后一分钟的额外收费和搬家公司晚到几个小时(或根本没有)只是学生们的一些可怕的抱怨。在没有真正思考下一步该怎么做的情况下,他决定租一辆卡车来帮助那些需要它的人搬家。在不到10天的时间里,他创造了超过12,000美元的收入! Lucas发现了一个基础问题和真正的客户需求。不久之后,Lucas开始了他彻底改变搬家和送货行业的旅程。在一次乘坐Uber的过程中,他遇到了Will,一位退役的专业速滑运动员,现在是MoveMate的营运长。在对传统搬家公司目前的弱点进行了冗长的讨论后,他们决定创建MoveMate,一个无压力的搬家和交付解决方案。从此,MoveMate就不断创新,为其客户和合作伙伴提供最好的服务。
MoveMate works with a diverse array of partners across various industries, such as furniture stores, large-scale retailers for B2B partnerships, as well as real estate companies, proptech firms, and storage units for B2B2C partnerships.
We are different because we are an asset light, proprietary tech solution that matches supply and demand to create value throughout the large item delivery and moving ecosystem. We offer a comprehensive, connected, and tech-driven solution developed specifically to match the supply and demand requirements. MoveMate is creating a truly modern solution to deliver customers’ most precious items in an integrated, trustworthy, and proficient way.
As e-commerce drives greater demand for furniture and, large item orders and storage, MoveMate is building the most advanced moving and delivery ecosystem to answer this growing need.Our solutions have been created with our partners in mind to match the supply and demand requirements, increase access to clients, and grow revenue. Today, there is no other moving solution that allows prop-tech and real estate companies to monetize leads and users.
MoveMate currently operates in 6+ major cities across Canada, including Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Quebec City, and Edmonton.