What to Put in Your Moving Day Essentials Bag

One of the least talked about but most helpful tips for moving is to pack a moving day essentials bag (or box). That way when your moving company is finally done and you don’t have the energy to do any unpacking yet, you’ll have all the essentials at your fingertips.

April 14, 2023

There’s nothing worse than finally seeing the moving truck drive away from your new home after an extremely long day of moving and realising you don’t know where your pyjamas or tooth brush are when all you want to do is go to sleep.

One of the least talked about but most helpful tips for moving is to pack a moving day essentials bag (or box). That way when your moving company is finally done and you don’t have the energy to do any unpacking yet, you’ll have all the essentials at your fingertips.

Here are some things you’ll want to keep handy on move-in day:

  • Toiletries

That includes everything from your toothbrush, toothpaste, contact solution and case, hygiene products, razer, etc.)

  • Shower towel and shower things

Moving in the summer means you’ll probably get sweaty and want a shower at the end of the day. Keep your shampoo, conditioner and body wash accessible.

  • Pyjamas

There’s nothing better than pulling on a fresh set of pyjamas after a hot shower. Especially after a long day of moving everything you own into a new house.

  • Change of clothes

  • Toilet paper

This one is pretty self-explanatory and essential.

  • Snacks

Moving can really leave you drained, so make sure you have plenty of snacks on hand to munch on throughout the day.

Some easy snack ideas: chips, granola bars, apples, muffins (store bought or homemade work great).

  • Water or other refreshments

Summer moving can be brutal if it’s a hot day, so make sure you pack a cooler with some cold drinks to stay hydrated. It’s never a bad idea to offer a bottle of water to your movers either. It’ll help keep them happy while they’re moving all your worldly possessions. Pro tip: make your movers extra happy by leaving them a tip!

Some moving day drink ideas: water, gatorade, juice boxes…

Moving houses with a pet
  • Pet food and dish

Don’t forget about your furry friends! And while you’re at it, let them ride along with your movers as an add-on service with MoveMate. They deserve special treatment too!

  • First aid kit

You never know what a moving day has in store for you. Better safe than sorry!

  • Medications

Moving houses can take your mind off bigger picture items like your health. Keep your medications top of mind by placing them in your moving day essentials bag.

  • Personal electronics and charging cords

We all know the panic that comes with not knowing where your phone charger is… imagine that but multiplied x100 when you have a seemingly endless number of bags and boxes it could be located in. Especially if you’re doing some long distance moving, you’ll want to keep everyone’s batteries at 100%. That way when your kids ask to watch a show on their iPad, you won’t disappoint. Or maybe you just want to scroll through TikTok at the end of your moving day. Either way, be prepared.

  • Clean bedding (or sleeping bags) and pillows

Ok so maybe these won’t fit in your duffel bag, but you can still ask your local movers to keep them with your moving day essentials bag so you can hit the sack ASAP. Or you can book our furniture assembly service directly via our chatbox to make sure your bed is ready and cozy to sleep in on the night of your move.

Since you’ll likely be using most of these things right up until your moving day, make sure you set aside a duffel bag for each member of your household and keep this list handy. By the morning of your move, these will be some of the only items left unpacked, so all you’ll have to do is throw them in your duffel bag and wait for the moving truck to show up.

If you’re moving with MoveMate, all you have to do is instruct your Mates to place your moving day essentials bags in a designated area of your new home so you can find them easily at the end of the day.

For more information about what our Mates can do to help make your move stress-free, check out our intuitive platform and get your free quote in less than 2min.

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